To provide you with objective advice that you can trust, we are committed to these principles:

• Personal planning tailored to your situation and goals; no cookie cutter plans.
• Hourly, Fee-Only practice, to provide the best objective advice for your benefit; we do not sell securities or insurance.
• Comprehensive view of your situation, even if we only focus on one or a few topics.
• Services on an hourly basis, so you only pay for the advice you need; we do not charge a retainer fee or percentage of assets under management.
• No asset or income minimums; professional advice is available to anyone.
• Committed to the highest ethical and continuing education standards.

We are a member of these organizations that strongly support these principles:

The Garrett Planning Network is the nation’s premier network of professional Fee-Only advisors dedicated to providing independent, objective financial planning and advice to people from all walks of life, on an hourly as-needed basis. Many other financial advisors accept clients only if they meet certain income and net worth requirements. Garrett Network members believe that professional, objective financial advice is something all Americans need, at least periodically, to build the brightest financial future it comes to your financial security, it’s all about partnering with someone who is committed to putting your interests first. CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals have attained the standard of excellence in financial planning by meeting education, experience and ethical standards, and as part of their certification, they have made a commitment to CFP Board to serve your best interests today to prepare you for a more secure tomorrow.



You Need a Trusted Financial Advisor, Not A Sales Professional. Fee-Only Network is the difference. Fee-Only financial advisors never sell investments or make commission.They work only for you – not a broker, bank, or insurance company.




Get matched with a vetted fiduciary advisor that you can trust. You could spend weeks researching financial advisors, and still end up with someone who’s not obligated to work in your best interest. We’ve done the research for you.

Media Mentions and Industry Involvement